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Broken Drum
Insulation Visalia
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Our Visalia Insulation Blog

Benefits of Faux Wood Blinds

Do you have the right window coverings? If you want to cringe every time you walk into your living room and see the out-of-date curtains, it may be time to update to beautiful new blinds! But enhancing the look of …

When to Remove Insulation

Nobody really thinks about their insulation on a day-to-day basis—it’s a set it and forget it project. But consider this: your insulation won’t do its job (and save you money!) if it’s old or damaged. How do you know when …

Insulation R-Value

What is the R-value of insulation and why does it matter? The short answer is that it’s a measurement of how effective a particular insulation material is, and yes, it matters a lot! In this blog post, we’ll get into …

How Much Does Insulation Save?

As it gets (even) warmer here in the Visalia, California area, you may be thinking of ways to save and stay comfortable in your home. Insulation is one way to help keep the interior of your home comfortable all year …

Services We Provide
Residential Insulation

Our insulation team adds energy efficiency, comfort and value to new and existing homes.

Commercial Insulation

Broken Drum Insulation of Visalia is a leading installer of commercial fiberglass, rigid board and rockwool insulation.

Window Coverings

Our team provides professional window blind and shutter installation for your home or business.

Insulation Removal

Broken Drum Insulation of Visalia provides home insulation removal services.

Garage Doors

Broken Drum Insulation of Visalia provides garage doors services.

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